summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

the waiting is the hardest part....

This guy has been in his Fitness Training Unit since last Monday. He says that FTU has never failed anyone, which means they only accept soldiers who are promising, the others get sent home. Since there was the holiday for the 4th, he hasn't had much official training, but he is optimistic for his PT test, which is today! He asked me to pray. Oh dear, I am praying. And waiting for the phone to ring to find out if he passed. Jon is playing a game on it, and I just asked if a call would still come through if he was playing on it, which must have been a stupid question, gauging by the looks several kids gave me. Duh, Mom, those looks said.

Anyway, I hope the kids passes today. He is such a nice boy, you know? Wicked funny, yet so tenderhearted. You know when you send your child off to kindergarten and you want to send him with a placard around his neck that says, "treat me well, my Mama loves me." (or is it just me??!) Well with Sam, he has proven that he will fight to trust God when things don't go his way, what more could a mother ask for?

Have I mentioned how much I love summer? Unstructured days,movies and popcorn and late night swimming, spur of the moment trips to Walmart and the park. The kids are tanned and lazy. The mom is tanned and lazy, and the dogs are just plain lazy.

Yesterday our power went out. No water, no coffee maker, no brekky for the kids. So I did what any reasonable mom would do, I hauled them all to the small city to the Chinese buffet for lunch. Breakfast/lunch.
We have two cousins here for a few days...Here is Margaret, Eileen, Evelyn, Suzanne, Olivia, Aaron, Jonathan, Kathryn, and Sonja K., with Camille and Char in front.

We then went to Walmart to return the broken vacuum cleaner, but of course the instruction manuel sneaked out of the box and hid somewhere, probably in the garbage that was taken out last week, so they wouldn't take it.

I did buy myself a new fan, since mine died and these summer nights are SO hot. I bought ice cream and cones for the kids, which they are having right now. One of my daughters is scooping in her bikini.

Paul has been gone long enough now. He will be home on Saturday night! Hopefully Samuel will be home by then too.

1 comment:

Kathyb1960 said...

Ohhhh I hope and pray he passes! What agony! Maybe it's just a matter of repositioning his hands to do the push-ups like he needs to do them. HA! Like I have ever even done push-up! LOL

Good luck to him! He's in my prayers!